

Generic cabling in the industrial environment

Data communication in industry has long since moved beyond simply shifting individual bits between sensors and actuators.

The continuity of communication, standardization, integration and cost optimization has led to an increasingly comprehensive set of requirements for industrial data networks in recent years.

Here, IT utilizes Ethernet as the standardized protocol layer permeating the entire company. In this way, the two formerly separate areas Office and Industry are converging – from machines and offices to sensors, actors or complex SPS (programmable logic controllers). This will lead to Industrie 4.0. in future.

This means that the requirements of Ethernet-based high-speed communication systems for office workers are now coming up against the harsh operating conditions and elevated security levels found in the manufacturing industry. Various standards and directives (such as EN 50173-4) offer guidance for ensuring the reliability of this network. In manufacturing, this has now become an element with significance for costs and production reliability, and the selection and planning of network components is primarily guided by aspects of both quality and fail-safety.

This also leads to cost savings for maintenance and upkeep if Ethernet is used to streamline the high-quality infrastructure. Quality and reliability are of great importance in the selection, planning and operation of network components.

KERPEN DATACOM was quick to pick up on this trend, and it started development work on data cables and connection technology for industrial applications many years ago.

Today, we are able to offer a broad product portfolio – especially in terms of data cables – to cover a wide range of industry-specific applications.

Here, too, our MegaLine® and GigaLine® brands stand for both quality and functionality.