VarioLine® – System peripherals

VarioLine® – System peripherals

Kerpen Datacom’s VarioLine® products offer a flexible and cost-effective solution for modern cabling requirements. Thanks to their modular design, they can be seamlessly combined with MegaLine® and GigaLine® components, creating versatile installation options.

VarioLine® stands for fast, adaptable solutions that combine high quality with economic efficiency – ideal for individual requirements in any environment

5 advantages of the Varioline product group

Compatibility with MegaLine® and GigaLine®

VarioLine® systems can be flexibly combined with MegaLine® and GigaLine® technology, enabling a wide range of applications and seamless integration into existing installations.

Flexible consolidation point solutions

The flat VarioLine® CP enclosures are ideal for use in suspended ceilings, raised floors and under cable platforms, allowing connections to be made even in narrow and difficult-to-access areas.

Easy expandability and adaptability

The flexible consolidation points make it uncomplicated to adapt the cabling to new requirements or changed room configurations if necessary.

Ideal for fixed network points

In areas such as sales areas or conference rooms, Varioline offers a clear solution with permanently installed network connections at fixed positions, ensuring a clear and stable connection.

VarioLine® UF – Underfloor solutions

VarioLine® UF support plates are the first choice for installing MegaLine® and GigaLine® connection components in underfloor trunking systems. Support plates are available to match the trunking system’s mounting boxes. The VarioLine® UF system can be combined with MegaLine® and GigaLine® connection technology. Simply use the matching VarioLine® adapter plate.

VarioLine® CP – Consolidation point solutions

VarioLine® CP are our flexible small distribution boards. The very flat consolidation point enclosures fit into the spaces between suspended ceilings, raised floors or even under a cable platform. In sales areas or conference rooms, for example, they have cabling that provides a manageable number of network connections at fixed points. From there, the network connection is then brought to the desired location using a consolidation point cable. Flexible and easy to change.
